My soon-to-be ex-husband's furnace went out at his house. It is around 20 degrees right now in Michigan. He asked if he could stay with me and our kids for 2 days because it is frigid in his house. My first instinct was to say (in my Whitney Houston voice) HELL TO THE NO! But the woman that I really am said that there is no way I can turn my back on the man that is the father of my daughter. I let him stay. I feel good about it because he no longer control me for good or for bad. I made the resolve to be the woman I truly am and help another human being in their time of need. I will not let someone else make me compromise my standards or principles again.
This was my victory!!
Yay! proud of you girl. It's a good feeling when we let go of "who the world wanted us to be" to become "who God wants us to be". I know exactly where you are, i've been there and i'm telling you it's exuberating and liberating all at the same time.